Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So today I had my immunisations done. Fortunately I have Hep B antibodies from some years ago so I just had to get Typhoid and Hep A shots. Hep A was fine but my left arm where they did the Typhoid is totally dead! Like in the school days when your mates used to punch you in the shoulder and give you a dead arm.... OK, maybe that was just my mates...

I have a wee health concern. For the last 6 months or so I have been getting abnormal liver test results. Nothing serious, just slightly elevated enzyme levels and a couple of digestion related ailments. I'm having an ultrasound scan done to check for signs of inflammation. Hopefully it will just be a case of "fatty liver" which means I need to adjust my diet a little and stick to my exercise regime and it will come right. I'll go in over the next couple of days for the scan and let you know what comes of it...

We're trying to sell our Mazda at the moment. Had a couple of nibbles but nothing firm yet. 3's a crowd in a two seater convertible... We're hoping the timing will work out that it will sell right before I go cos that would give us plenty of money in the bank while I'm away and we could save on the expenses of two vehicles for a month or longer - since K finishes work the day I get back

The trip is feeling very real and very close now. Thoughts and prayers for any and all of the above much appreciated...

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