Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where have I been?

It's been a few days since I posted but I have a good reason for my absence

We were expecting a small arrival today but in fact she came early!

January 30 at 10.20am and weighing just 2.8kg our daughter Brea Elaine was born after a comparatively short and incident free labour of just 12 hours!

So as you can imagine I am both over the moon and completely exhausted!

Mum and baby are home and doing great and I am a dad!! Unbelievable!

I'm back at work but I am still grinning from ear to ear - what an incredible experience. I've read books and talked to people who tell you how amazing it is to go thru this and first see your child and how this wave of love came over them.

But as sappy as it sounds I can confirm it is all true! I've never experienced such a powerful moment in life. As a man you go from this feeling of it all not being quite real (despite the evidence of mum getting bigger over 9 months) to it being very suddenly very real!

Quite amazing! And depite it being an overused term - truly awesome!

I don't quite know what else to say except Thanks be to the One who gives all things including this.

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