Tuesday, December 4, 2007

6 days in and still alive... just

Hello all

Sorry about the delay in commenting. Internet is very unreliable here and there is a long queue of eager people

Scavenger Hunt went well but J.D. and I lost. We were in pairs trying to buy fruit and find shops and identify services and we went down the wrong road. It was better that way tho. The poverty was apalling. Like finding a slum just off Queen Street.

We wandered down an ever narrowing road.Enormous potholes - 10 feet deep and wide enough to swallow a motorbike. The rickshaw wallas have to avoid them. It stunk and there was grabage everywhere.

You get stared at here. It's incredible. The idolise us and yet they are by far the more beautiful people. Sharp features, dark even skin, deep eyes - and beaming smiles. They are the sweetest people. When they stare at you you feel intimidated - bu then you smile or greet them and they just beam.

The poverty is indescribable. For all my filming I cannot capture it. People walk up to you in the street and show you their deformities and then beg for money

I have seen missing limbs, missing eyes, elephantitis, polio, paralysis, withered limbs, mental illness - there are sooooo many people here. 15 Million in this city and many are poor and sick.

This team (the one I am on) are just amazing. Today they all wanted to help me since I am unwell and it's really humbling.

I don't hold well to people putting themselves out for me. But I could feel myself softening somewhat with such caring.

Very humbling indeed that people would care for me like that

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