Thursday, December 13, 2007

A lighter moment

Have to share this with you

Traffic in Kolkata is madder than Dhaka cos the vehicles are bigger. Lots of buses and taxis and these weird 3 wheeled trucks

There are no real road rules except that you must sound your horn to make others aare of your presence. You don't even have to drive in your lane - so no one does - you just try to get from A to B without using brakes

Pedestrians literally run out into the road and wave at cars in an attempt to not be hit - and incredibly the cars obey. And their are soooo many of both

So the other day while attempting to cross the road ourselves we are running from one side to the other. And these vehicles are racing to get past before we get to their postion so they don't have to let us

So picture if you will the following flashing past in front of you as you run for your life

BUS, BUS, TAXI, TAXI, BUS, Man on a pony, BUS


Yep in the middle of this carnage is a man riding a little pony

It's a similar story walking down the street where vendors have the rights to the side walk and you step over and round them

Man selling watches, man selling spices, man selling motorcycle horns, man selling fruit, live goat, man selling belts, man selling pens, 2 more goats.

B.H. reminded me the other day that when William Carey moved here his wife went insane...

I'm not surprised

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